Ritha foliage can be used as cattle fodder during drought. The fruit is of considerable importance for its medicinal value as well. Ayurvedic, Unani and Tibetan systems of medicine consider it to be useful for treating a number of diseases like common cold, pimples, epilepsy, constipation, nausea, etc. It is also used as expectorant and enthelmintic in small doses. The Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), has recently developed a contraceptive cream out of Ritha fruit. It is being marketed under the trade name ‘Consap’.
Ritha wood is hard and light yellow in color. It is close-grained and compact weighing about 30 kg per cubic foot. The wood is utilized for rural building construction, oil and sugar presses, agricultural implements, etc.
Ritha seed germinates easily. To ensure cent per cent germination, the seed is soaked in lukewarm water for 24 hours and then sown, either directly in already prepared 60 x 60 cm pits at 5m x 5m spacing or sown in polythene bags filled with clayey loam soil mixed with farmyard manure or similarly prepared nursery beds.
It is available in the following forms
1). With inside corn in 25 kilo PP bag packing as a whole nut.
2). Without inside corn in 25 kilo PP bag packing as a outside cover of the whole nut.
3). Grinded Powder form With inside corn in 25 kilo PP bag packing
4). Grinded Powder form Without inside corn in 25 kilo PP bag packing
All the above are also available in one kilo packs of PE bag packing and Cotton Bag Packing.
Detergent picked by the tree In India and Nepal the wash nut (Sapindus mukorossi) already is for primeval times as vegetable detergent in the daily use.
The warrant of apprehension Originally the wash nut tree is resident in south India, but nowadays one finds it over completely to India common. The wash nut tree usually grows up to 15 m up and at the crown up to 1,50m into the width. The sheets become long between 12 and 30 cm. In the months March/April is decorated the tree with white blooms. The harvest of the fruits (Waschnuesse) takes place in September/October. Mature Nuesse have a golden color and are sticky. By storage the Nuesse dries; their color changes in a reddish brown and the tackness diminishes.
After the harvest the Waschnuesse is cracked. The bowls are carefully dried and packed in material bags. The internal black core is suitable neither for consumption nor for washing. The bowls however have valuable contents materials, which are suitable outstanding for the laundry washing. They contain the material saponin, which works similarly as soap.
As soon as they with water in contact come deliver it a seifige caustic solution.
Traditional use In the old days the Indian Mrs. Waschnuss-Schalen used, in order to wash and maintain their beautiful hair. Humans understood also the art to manufacture wash nut powders as well as ayurvedischen herbs to a body soap. Still today in the province of India the table-ware and other household effects with the soap solution are cleaned. Besides also the juwelier used the Waschnuesse, in order to bring its gold and silver decoration on high polish.
The modern employment of the wash nut:
Problem-free the wash nut in the washing machine can be used. The material pouch prevents that wash nutshells must be picked out after completion of the washing process between the laundry.
Contrary to commercial detergents, which contain a considerable number of chemicals such as solvents, odoriferous substances, preservatives and Aufheller, the wash nut preserves the environment and is particularly strike friendly.
A Weichspueler is not necessary usually, or rather counter productive, since the welding admission is obstructed e.g. in cotton thereby, the laundry is smell neutral.
As the wash nut functions:
The Waschnuesse delivers a seifige caustic solution, as soon as they come with water into contact.
One of the three enclosed small material pouches with 4-5 half wash nutshells fill – well zuschnueren. The pouch then directly into the washing machine between the laundry put. Washing process as used with or without Vorwae start.
At hot wash temperatures the Waschnuesse yields more up than at low temperatures. Therefore also a repeated use of the Waschnuesse in the connection is possible in the low temperature range.
After completion of the washing process, the remainders of the wash nutshells take the material pouch entsorgen. The pouch is dried with the laundry and used with next time again. The two further reserve pouches if necessary use.
The remainders of the Waschnuesse are kompostiert over the bio garbage entsorgt or.
Which may be washed with it:
Multicolored and cook laundry 30 – 90 degrees.
Insider Tipps: Outstanding for all wash temperatures suitably. Frottee towels become kuschelig also without Weichspueler. For normally gotten dirty laundry almost ideally, within the multicolored laundry range color carefully. With extreme marks the addition of a essloeffel mark salt is recommended. For a natural smell an ethereal oil can be given to the laundry after free choice – e.g. Lavendeloel – to the washing machine (rinsing procedure). If you one behind the other wash two machines in low temperature ranges (30-60C), you can use the same wash nut pouch also a second time.
Gold and silver decoration clean 2-3 half wash nutshells in a dish with 100-150 ml hot water for approx. 45 minutes of in-soft. Eingeweichte bowls on the palm something rubbeln, so that a lighter foam develops. Clean the decoration with the pieces of bowl. If necessary also a soft toothbrush can be used. This is then dipped into the einweichwasser.
Price performance ratio:
A 1 kg of bags hands approx. 1 year for a 4-koepfige family, with 2-3 washing processes per week and costs from 20,00 to 23.50 euro (depending upon ordered quantity) – comparatively one gives for it 80.00 to 100.00 euro for a conventional detergent to the upper preisklasse out (lower preisklasse 50.00 to 60.00 euro).
The advantages on a view:
- Purely vegetable detergent for gentle and careful cleaning of the laundry – however nevertheless clean and thorough. Neutral smell, biologically degradably. In addition the wash nut makes the laundry soft in natural way and makes redundant thereby Weichspueler.
- Colorcarefully – all colored textiles such as Jeans and t-Shirts keep much longer their colors.
- Outstanding for Allergiker and persons with skin problems such as Neurodermitis and shed lichen.
- Environmentally conscious washing – waters and rivers are exempted from chemicals.