There are many uses of Rocl Salt, the most popular is in the form of bath salt. Bathing with mineral bath salt is a wonderful way to relax while cleansing and rejuvenating your entire body. The minerals added to each formula will soak out pains, muscle tensions and stiffness. These stress reducing benefits of the bath salt helps to keep the skin looking clear and young. Aromatheray oils combined with Rock Salt in a bath is an ancient art and science that works on a physical and emotional level to accelerate healing. Aromatherapy bath salts can help control stress, alleviate tension, and minimize muscular aches and pains.
There are many uses of Rocl Salt, the most popular is in the form of bath salt. Bathing with mineral bath salt is a wonderful way to relax while cleansing and rejuvenating your entire body. The minerals added to each formula will soak out pains, muscle tensions and stiffness. These stress reducing benefits of the bath salt helps to keep the skin looking clear and young. Aromatheray oils combined with Rock Salt in a bath is an ancient art and science that works on a physical and emotional level to accelerate healing. Aromatherapy bath salts can help control stress, alleviate tension, and minimize muscular aches and pains.
Negative Ions
No life form can exist if there is no balance in the environment. The excessive positive ions must be balanced with the negative ion. Rock Salt Lamps and candleholders Lamps releases the negative ions in the air. these lamps and candleholders absorb the excessive electromagnetic radiation produced by the electrical system.
Positive Ions
The modern world today involves the production of positive air particles or ions immensely creating an imbalance in the entire environment in which we live and breathe. Cigarette fumes, transmission networks, electrical transmission lines, satellites, electrical equipment and appliances like television sets, computers, and mobile phones produce these positive ions. These positive ions can penetrate deep down our lungs and can cause us to feel tired, weak and have weak immune system, lack of concentration, anxiety, migraines, psychological disturbances and lack of sleep, all kind of respiratory tract problems, etc.
For Computer Users
Place a lamp or two where you work, to reduce fatigue. Not only do you beautify all those unsightly wires and equipment, the lamp will minimize the effect of all that radiation.
Care of Rock Salt Lamps
Due to hygroscopic (moisture absorbing) properties of the rock salt products they should not be used in damp rooms or outdoors. If they do get wet, lit up the lamp or the candle lit so that the warmth of the light dries them. Use only good quality smoke-less tea light candles so that the inside of the lamp does not get sooty.